Tuesday, October 9, 2007

NEWS UPDATE: Catholic Church saves sinners

One of two things are clearly happening among the ranks of the Catholic priests: Their unnatural celibacy leads to some kind of a twisted, predatory desire for children - and/or - their power to communicate directly with God (since normal folk can't do that) is alluring to people who are looking for a way to force kids to have sex with them and stay quiet about it.

Whatever the motivator is, there's another factor that definitely helps: Knowledge that the Catholic Church will do its very best to cover for you if you've been naughty.

It seems every week, a new case of Catholic scandal is popping up. This week, it wasn't a priest. But that didn't stop the church from discouraging the victim immediately.

The woman (now 26) who was abused as a Catholic high school student told reporters that Diocese and school officials blamed her for being abused, according to NBC.

"They told me that I was pretty much asking for it and that I was the one who seduced him."

My biggest sympathies go out to the faithful Catholic families out there who really believe in the church and have tried to abide by its rules. It must be tough seeing what kind of sinners the church really works to save.

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